Offensive Weapon Homicide Reviews
Under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Court Act 2022 there is a requirement for the police, Local Authority and Integrated Care Board (ICB) to review the circumstances of qualifying homicides where the victim was aged 18 or over, and the events surrounding their death involved, or were likely to have involved, the use of an offensive weapon. These reviews are called Offensive Weapons Homicide Reviews (OWHR).
The purpose of an OWHR is to identify lessons to be learned and consider any actions required in respect of those lessons.
Note: The duty to carry out an OWHR does not apply when there is already a statutory duty to carry out another type of review. This includes:
- A Child Death Review;
- A Domestic Homicide Review;
- A Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR).
For further information and guidance on qualifying homicides and carrying out a review, see: Offensive Weapons Homicide Reviews Statutory Guidance.
Last Updated: March 6, 2024