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March 2025

Safeguarding Discussions and Meetings

In March 2025, a reminder about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics was added to Section 3, Involving the Adult in Safeguarding Discussions and Meetings.

Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

In March 2025, neurodiversity was added to the list of vulnerabilities in Section 2, Vulnerabilities and Indicators.

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 5, Raising a Concern. These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In March 2025, information about Stalking Protection Orders was added to Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support. Information about the timeframe for introduction of Domestic Abuse Protection Orders and Domestic Abuse Protection Notices was also updated.

The Safeguarding Plan

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 3, What is a Safeguarding Plan? And Section 4, When to Develop a Safeguarding Plan. These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding. Additionally, a reminder about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics was added to Section 5, Involving the Adult in Safeguarding Plans and Reviews.

Discriminatory Abuse

In March 2025, This new chapter has been added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section. In addition, in Section 7.1, Practice guidance, a link was added for the SSCP Cultural Consciousness Guidance.

Making Enquiries

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made to Section 3, What is an Enquiry? These amendments were made to reflect those made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding.

Responding to a Concern

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding. Additionally, in Section 3, Potential Responses, information was added about the importance of ensuring that the safeguarding response has regard for protected characteristics.

Overarching Aims, Duties and Principles

In March 2025, relevant text amendments were made following a legal review of the Care Act 2014 Resource Section, Adult Safeguarding. In addition, a new Section, Information Sharing was added. Information about protected characteristics and anti-discriminatory approaches was added to Section 5, Making Safeguarding Personal.

Missing Adults

In March 2025, information about the Forcer Protocol was added to Section 5, Reducing the risk (Herbert, Winnie and Philomena protocols).

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) Policy and Procedure

In March 2025, information about protected characteristics and discriminatory abuse was added to Section 5, Carrying out a SAR.

Modern Slavery

In March 2025, amendments were made to Section 1, What is Modern Slavery? to clarify that an adult who is moved a few streets away from where they originated can still be a victim of human trafficking if that move is not voluntary. Additionally, some examples of injuries or impairments typical of certain jobs were added to Section 2, Identifying Potential Victims of Modern Slavery. In addition, links to local information and guidance were added to Section 5, Further Guidance and Resources.


September 2024

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

In September 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed. This included adding information about training and links to statutory guidance and other resources.

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

In September 2024, relevant sections of this chapter were updated to include information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers. In Section 6, If the Adult has Died information was added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status.

Modern Slavery

In September 2024, this replacement chapter was added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.

LeDeR Reviews

In September 2024, a link to the LeDeR online referral was added.

Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

In September 2024, this chapter was replaced with a revised and updated version.

Honour Based Abuse

In September 2024, the chapter Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage was replaced by two new chapters, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage. 

Forced Marriage

In September 2024, the chapter Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage was replaced by two new chapters Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage. 

Responding to a Concern

In September 2024, Section 9.4, Who cannot act as an appropriate adult was changed to Who can act as an appropriate adult, and the information was amended to better reflect the content already present in the tri.x Care Act 2014 Resource. Additionally, information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers was added to Section 7, Other Matters for Consideration. Also, in Section 10, If the Adult has Died, information was added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status.

Allegations against Service Providers (including Organisational Abuse)

In September 2024, Section 6, Concerns about Pressure Ulcers and Section 7, Concerns about the use of Restraint in Mental Health Units were added.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In September 2024, the text 'she is' in Section 4, MARAC was altered to 'they are' to ensure that no gender assumptions are made. 

March 2024

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) Policy and Procedure

In March 2024, a new Section 8, Safeguarding Adults Reviews in Rapid Time (SARiRT) was added.

County Lines

In March 2024, this chapter was fully reviewed and refreshed in line with updated Home Office guidance 'Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines'.

Responding to a Concern

In March 2024, a new Section 10. If the Adult has Died was added. It contains information previously located in the Disclosure and Raising a Concern Procedure.

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

Section 6, If the Adult has Died was updated in March 2024 to clarify that a concern should still be raised if the death may have been as a result of abuse or neglect.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In March 2024, several sections of this chapter were updated. This included revising Section 1.1, Definition of Domestic Abuse and adding a dedicated subsection 'controlling and coercive behaviour'. Also updating the LGA link in Section 2, Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding adding clarity around domestic abuse and children, and adding information about IDVA’s/ISVA’s.

Allegations against Service Providers (including Organisational Abuse)

Section 6, Making Enquiries was updated in March 2024 to provide greater clarity about the responsibility of making enquiries.

Mate Crime

In March 2024, this chapter was renamed 'Mate Crime'. It was fully reviewed and refreshed. Information about cuckooing (also known as forced home invasion) was relocated to a new chapter.

Allegations against People in a Position of Trust

Section 1, What is a Position of Trust was updated in March 2024 to include people that provide regular coaching, teaching or instruction in sport or religion.

Offensive Weapon Homicide Reviews

This procedure was added in March 2024.

Fabricated or Induced Illness in Adults

Cuckooing (Forced Home Invasion)


September 2023

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) Policy and Procedure

In September 2023, a link to the Practitioners Learning Event was amended to Practitioners Reflective Session. A link to the updated document was also changed.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

In September 2023, a link for more information on Safeguarding Children was added into Section 2.2, Safeguarding Children.
A link for the Safe in Salford Domestic Abuse service was added into Section 3.1, Specialist services for the victim/adult.
A link  for working with perpetrators was added into Section 3.2, Specialist services for the perpetrator.
Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support and Section 4, MARAC were both updated.
A link for the referral form and DASH Risk Checklist was added into Section 4.2, Making a referral.

Domestic Homicide Reviews

In September 2023, a link and reference was made to the Domestic Homicide Reviews.

Transitional Safeguarding

Section 5, Further Information and Resources was updated in September 2023 to add a link to the Local Government Association (LGA) Transitional safeguarding resources webpage.

Responding to a Concern

In September 2023, an error in the vulnerability table in Section 7, Other Matters for Consideration was corrected.

Professional Curiosity

Section 5, Be Self Aware in Your Practice was updated in September 2023 to include proportionality.

Safeguarding Adults with Dementia

Section 1, Adults with Dementia was refreshed in September 2023. Further information about mental capacity, and a new Further Guidance section was added to include a link to the government guidance 'Supporting people living with dementia to be involved in adult safeguarding enquiries'. 

Violent and Sexual Abuse

In September 2023, the abbreviation (MAPPA) was removed from the main title. A new Section 1, Violent and Sexual Abuse was added to provide information about the Serious Violence Duty under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.

Honour Based Abuse

In September 2023, a link to the Home Office Forced Marriage Resource Pack was added into Section 5, Additional Information and Resources.

Overarching Aims, Duties and Principles

In September 2023, an error in the vulnerability table in Section 2, The Safeguarding Duty was corrected.

Modern Slavery

In September 2023, a new Section 5, Local Government Association Guidance was added to include the 'Council guide to tackling modern slavery' guidance.

March 2023

Making Enquiries

In March 2023, the table in Section 5, Deciding who should make Enquiries was updated to include links to Social Work England, the Nursing and Midwifery Council and the HCPC.

Self-Neglect and Hoarding

 The link to Salford’s self-neglect guidance in Section 1, Local Guidance was updated in March 2023.

Safeguarding Adults Policy Statement

In March 2023, this new chapter was added.

Safeguarding Homeless Adults

In March 2023, a link to the 'Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities' was added into Section 2, The Homelessness Reduction Act. A new Section 4, Domestic Abuse was also added.

Domestic Homicide Reviews

In March 2023, a new Section 4, The Domestic Abuse Commissioner was added.

Responding to a Concern

Section 7, Other Matters for Consideration was updated in March 2023 to include information about the Safeguarding and Quality Guidance, which can be found in the Contacts and Practice Resources area.

Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)

This chapter was substantially updated in March 2023 to reflect changes made by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021: Section 1: Change in definition and terminology Section 2: Change in status of children as victims Section 3: Inclusion of additional sources of support Section 4: Change to reflect new guidance around an adult’s inability to consent to abuse, even if they have capacity.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Section 3, FGM and the Law was updated in March 2023 to include information about the duties and measures of the Serious Crime Act 2015.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) Policy and Procedure

In March 2023, this chapter was amended to include both policy and procedure. Content was completely refreshed to reflect local processes and requirements. In addition, the previously separate chapter 'Discretionary Reviews' was deleted and the content incorporated here.

Honour Based Abuse

Section 4, Statutory Guidance and Practice Guidelines was renamed. The content was refreshed to include information about the multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and practice guidelines for responding to cases that was issued in July 2022. A new Section 5, Additional Resources and Information was also added.

February 2023

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

In February 2023, the adult social care telephone number was updated.