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Safeguarding Adults Policy Statement

Safeguarding Adults Policy Statement


In March 2023, this new chapter was added.

March 6, 2023

Our vision for Adult Safeguarding in Salford is:

Salford is a city where adults and their families have the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.  People and organisations work effectively together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse and neglect, ensuring at the same time that adult and their families wellbeing is promoted.  The voice of adults in Salford is heard so their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs remain central and informs everything we do. 

The Care Act 2014 has enshrined in law the principles of Safeguarding Adults, which will not only ensure that the most vulnerable members of society are afforded appropriate support and protection but will also help them to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

In Salford, we have a history of, and strong commitment to safeguarding adult partnership arrangements. The Salford Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) remains committed to ensuring that our Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures are fit for purpose, Care Act compliant and fully embedded locally.   

A fundamental part of the Care Act is the general responsibility placed on all local authorities to promote wellbeing. The Care Act emphasises the importance of beginning with the assumption that the individual is best placed to judge their own wellbeing.  Hearing the views and wishes of the adult is a crucial part of this throughout the safeguarding adults process; and is a critical element of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’.  In Salford we are keen to ensure that adult safeguarding is person led, takes a strengths-based approach and is outcome focussed.  We strive to ensure that the adult is at the heart of safeguarding by structuring our support systems around them.  We expect everyone to work together and ensure that all adults are treated with dignity, respect and compassion. 

When abuse or neglect occurs, it must be dealt with swiftly, effectively and proportionately. The Care Act also introduces a general principle that there should be cooperation between public organisations and all those concerned in the care and support of and the provision of health and health-related needs of their local population. Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility.

The prevention of abuse and neglect must be a key priority for all agencies. The prevention of abuse and neglect relies on early identification, developing and maintaining a culture where poor practice can be challenged and addressed and that the needs and rights of the Adult are always considered and promoted.

All organisations should produce their own single agency safeguarding policies and procedures that should be followed if they become aware that an adult has experienced, or is at risk of experiencing, abuse or neglect. The responsibilities of all staff, volunteers and organisations, include ensuring that:

  • Staff and volunteers access appropriate training so they can recognise potential signs of abuse or neglect;
  • All staff and volunteers know when to report concerns to managers and know how raise concerns with the local authority where appropriate;
  • All staff and volunteers are made aware of their respective organisation's whistleblowing policy and are given information on when and how this policy can be used;
  • The organisation, its staff and volunteers work in partnership with other agencies to meet the safeguarding needs of the Adults;
  • Information is shared between agencies in accordance with information sharing policies and protocols;
  • The organisation, has strong and robust protocol and process to respond appropriately to allegations against anyone who is in a position of trust and works (either paid or an unpaid capacity) with adult with care and support needs;
  • The organisation keeps its own records in relation to safeguarding concerns, actions taken, and any outcomes;
  • Senior representatives of the organisation support the Safeguarding Adults process including attendance and participation at professional meetings and planning meetings as required;
  • Decisions are reached in line with the principles of Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the associated Code of Practice.

Last Updated: September 5, 2024
